Meaning buyer behavior
What does buyer behavior mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word buyer behavior. You can also add a definition of buyer behavior yourself


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buyer behavior

This term is often used as an alternative to consumer behavior, but also is used when the purchaser is not the ultimate consumer but rather an industrial buyer, a buying center, or other middleman between the seller and the ultimate user. It is defined by some as the more general term, with consumer behavior and organizational buyer behavior as sub [..]
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buyer behavior

The way individuals or organizations behave in a purchasing situation. The customer-oriented concept finds out the wants, needs, and desires of customers and adapts resources of the organization to de [..]


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buyer behavior

The ways a consumer identifies, considers, and chooses products and services. Buyer behavior is often influenced by the consumer's needs, desires, aspirations, inhibitions, role, social and cultu [..]

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